Conceptual physics

Publication date 1998 Topics Physics, Physique, Natuurkunde, Physik Publisher Reading, Mass. : Addison Wesley Collection internetarchivebooks; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Language English Volume 8 Item Size 1.8G

xxi, 739 pages : 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index

1. About Science -- pt. 1. Mechanics. 2. Linear Motion. 3. Nonlinear Motion. 4. Newton's Laws of Motion. 5. Momentum. 6. Energy. 7. Rotational Motion. 8. Gravity. 9. Satellite Motion -- pt. 2. Properties of Matter. 10. The Atomic Nature of Matter. 11. Solids. 12. Liquids. 13. Gases and Plasmas -- pt. 3. Heat. 14. Temperature, Heat, and Expansion. 15. Heat Transfer. 16. Change of Phase. 17. Thermodynamics -- pt. 4. Sound. 18. Vibrations and Waves. 19. Sound. 20. Musical Sounds -- pt. 5. Electricity and Magnetism. 21. Electrostatics. 22. Electric Current. 23. Magnetism. 24. Electromagnetic Induction -- pt. 6. Light. 25. Properties of Light. 26. Color. 27. Reflection and Refraction. 28. Light Waves. 29. Light Emission. 30. Light Quanta -- pt. 7. Atomic and Nuclear Physics. 31. The Atom and the Quantum. 32. The Atomic Nucleus and Radioactivity. 33. Nuclear Fission and Fusion -- pt. 8. Relativity. Special Theory of Relativity. General Theory of Relativity -- App. A. Systems of Measurement

App. B. More About Motion -- App. C. Graphing -- App. D. More About Vectors -- App. E. Exponential Growth and Doubling Time

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